
3條問題~~ SO EASY~~~ $10 = 25 分

Do you have any Chinese version? I afraid that some people would not understand...


1. Fubar: Utterly botched or confused (Fucked up beyond all recognition).

2. Alternately referred to as a sticky charge, sticky grenade or sticky bomb, the makeshift explosive employed by paratroopers during the Battle of Ramelle consisted of grease-covered socks filled with composition B or TNT explosive material. A fuse was inserted into the explosives and lit just before the explosive was placed on its target.
Although the first attempt to use one of the sticky bombs failed, and the paratrooper holding the device was blown apart instantly, two other paratroopers successfully planted two sticky bombs on a German Tiger tank. The resulting explosions knocked off the tank's tread and succeeded in immobilizing the tank and blocking the street.

3. This is because it will produce carbon dioxide when it dissolve in soft drink. Also, it is an acidic meterial, so it willcause eruption.
  • ProEdwin 現金 +25 PM AR dont post the answer =.= 2007-3-13 16:11


